Speech and Language Therapy and Children’s Centres
Speech and Language Therapists (SLT) provide care and support for children and their families who have difficulties with speech, language and communication difficulties and/or difficulties with eating, drinking and swallowing.
In a Children’s Centre, Speech and Language Therapists (SLT) work in close collaboration with the Children’s Centre staff to offer support and help for children from under 2 years to rising 5 years.
Early Years’ Research shows that early language skills are powerful predictors of later life chances. Early identification leading to early intervention for children with speech, language and communication difficulties is fundamental in reducing the risk of difficulties later on in life.
SLTs work in Children’s Centres to:
- Prevent the development of speech language and communication problems occurring
- Identify potential speech language and communications difficulties in children early so that support can be offered as soon as possible
SLTs offer a range of early advice, assessment and interventions to support better outcomes for children.
We offer:
- First Time Parents sessions
Providing early play and communication advice and information to first time Parents of children under a year old.
- Play and Communication Profile
Enabling children centre staff to identify and remediate a child’s play and communication skills within the stay and play sessions.
- Access and Advice /Triage Assessments
Speech and Language triage session for children who are identified as requiring speech and language support via the outcome of their play and communication profile.
What you can do if you are concerned about your child’s talking
If you have any concerns regarding your child’s speech, language and communication skills please call Enfield Children’s Centre to book a place onto a Stay & Play session- please see the Home page for the latest Timetable.
Additional Information
If you would like some more information on how you can help your child with their talking and communication skills please visit:
- https://hungrylittleminds.campaign.gov.uk/
This has short videos and simple activities for you and your child/ren. - https://www.bbc.co.uk/tiny-happy-people
“your words build their world.” This has simple fun activities for you to enjoy with your tiny happy person.