Health Visiting
Health Visiting Service – Telephone- 020 3988 7300
Enfield’s Health Visiting Service is provided by North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust,. To view further information including contact details and Healthy Child clinic times then click link below which takes you to their website
Find out about our health visiting service in Enfield | North Middlesex University Hospital
Health visitors are there to support you and your child as they begin to grow.
What the Health Visiting Service offers
Your health visitor will be in touch with you at various stages of your pregnancy and after your baby is born. This includes:
- During your pregnancy at 28-32 weeks
- Between 10-14 day of baby’s birth
- Six-eight weeks after your baby’s birth
- When your child turns one. This will be a developmental review by a health visitor or early years practitioner
- When your child turns two. This will be a developmental review by a health visitor or early years practitioner
- School Readiness
Health visitors are part of our 0-19 service covering Enfield, and work in four teams. Each team is based at a health centre in the local community.
Your health visitor can help you with anything you are concerned about:
- your health
- your child’s health
- your family’s health
- postnatal depression
- and all the usual things that you might want help and advice on with a new baby, including feeding, sleeping, crying, minor ailments, and when to see a doctor.
Your health visitor will also monitor your baby’s development, and weigh and measure your baby. Your health visitor will record visits in your child’s personal health record book – this may be your ‘red book’, or an electronic version, called an ‘e-red book’.
Your health visitor will also record their name and contact details in your red book, so you know how to contact them and when you can see them, and how to get help if they are not available.
Every family with a child under 5 that lives in Enfield will be allocated a health visitor. Anyone can refer to the service including GP, midwifes and schools. Parents can also refer themselves by contacting their Health Visiting Team by phone requesting a home visit or telephone contact.
Healthy Child Clinics
Enfield’s Health visitors run Healthy Child Clinics which are drop-ins where you can have baby or your child weighed.
You can attend any Healthy Child Clinic in the borough -some are held in the Children’s Centre and some are held in GP Surgeries or libraries.
Please Tel- 020 3988 7300 for further information